Saturday, May 13, 2006

Gaddafi, the supreme potentate of Libya, has released a message for the West: (my comments are in the brackets)...

Muhammad is the Prophet of all people. He superseded all previous religions. If Jesus were alive when Muhammad was sent, he would have followed him. All people must be Muslims. [By the same logic all people must be “Branch Davidians” or Mormons or Seventh Day Adventists or…wait, which is the most recent?]

But the people who defamed Muhammad were defaming their own prophet, because Muhammad is the prophet of the people in Scandinavia, in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. But since the holy texts that they read in Scandinavia are forged and call for hatred, they believe Muhammad is not their prophet. [That’s right, the original Bible mentions that Muhammad would be the last prophet…but that little bit was taken out by the satanic Jews and Catholic Church right? It’s that damn DaVinci Code again…]

We expect to see a picture of Jesus with nuclear bombs over his head, because the nuclear bomb was developed by the followers of Jesus. [So wouldn’t this mean that Iran ought not to seek the bomb, since it’s so evil? The drawing wasn’t actually a nuclear bomb anyway, it was a drawing of a regular old TNT type, you know the ones that Muslims consistently strap to themselves and use to blow up innocent civilians…]

Christian women are naked. In Scandinavia women are naked. [Really, wow—I really want to go to Scandinavia then…all those buxom dames walking around in cold weather with no clothes on—high-beam city…lol I think what he means is that not wearing a veil is an obscenity—of course! All it takes for men to attack women in sinful carnal delight is for him to see the unadorned face—away, foul temptress! Take your unadorned face and ankles elsewhere harlot!]

In any case, the holy texts of the West, of Europe and America, call for hatred, there is no doubt about it. This text is corrupt and inhumane. [Turn the other cheek and love thy enemy…nothing but hatred indeed…please oh follower of Christianity, enlighten me to these texts that call for oppression of Muslims and Jews—I can’t find them, but even if I could I wouldn’t follow such jibberish, for I know that it isn’t the will of God.]

The so-called Old Testament and New Testament are neither Old Testament nor New Testament - because both testaments were superseded, and they are forged. They were written by hand hundreds of years after Jesus. [More like about 50 years, approximately the same time before the Koran was compiled. Oh, and the ahadith were composed even later, from supposed stories told about how Muhammad acted…perhaps they are forgeries too?]

Today’s Bible does not mention Muhammad, whereas our Lord’s Bible mentions Muhammad repeatedly. [What about the holy prophet Joseph Smith? He’s mentioned in the Book of Mormon, so obviously since the Koran doesn’t mention him, the Koran is forged!]

We must search for the Gospel of Barnabas, of St. Barnabas, because this is the true gospel. This gospel explicitly mentions that Muhammad would come after Jesus. [The Bible also mentions false prophets, so which is correct?]

Today, we are correcting human history from here, in Timbuktu. [Say what?]

We have fifty million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. [Oh man, the swords and guns and conquests are where the fun is at—just ask Osama…]

Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union. That’s another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the EU. Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the EU. 50 percent of its citizens are Muslims. [So why is Albania a Muslim country again? Oh yeah, because they massacred or forcefully converted all the Christians, the same goes for Turkey which was a conquest of part of the Holy Roman Empire—so that’s what’s needed to make Europe a Muslim state, a high Muslim birth rate and massacre of the non-believer…yes, true peace awaits, after we kill everyone peace will prevail!]

Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims. [These are the only two options? How about you leave the West the hell alone or how about you step into the modern era, with universal respect for all?]

All people have the right to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, and to circle the Ka’ba. [And the right to oppress women, Jews, and Christians…and the right to kill the apostates, atheists, pagans, idol worshippers, etc.]

The verse says that polytheists are impure, hence they are forbidden from coming near the Haram. [Here they go with the hatred of the Christian concept of a Triune God.]

If the American president comes to make a pilgrimage, they will say to him: You are impure, a polytheist. But he will reply: I am not a polytheist. Nor am I impure. How can you make such serious allegations against me? If I am impure, how come you shake my hand and break bread with me? [Say what? I’m speechless…]

He will pull out the one dollar bill that we use, and he will say: Go ahead, read what’s written on it.

Translator: “In God we trust.”

Mu’ammar Al-Qadhafi: It says what the translator said: “In God we trust.” Here, we have a dollar. Where is it? Read it… “In God we trust.” [We trust that God will empower us to kill all the unbelievers! God willing we will end this scourge—freedom must be defeated for peace to prevail!]

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